Category: Movies

Movies 1

Star Trek Trailer 2


This came out a little over a week ago, but I only got around to seeing it a few days back. However I still cant get over how awesome this one is. Star Trek movies have been going downhill after First Contact, but it looks like things have dramatically changed. This movie cannot come out soon enough! The movie is set for release on May 8th, 2009.


Sockbaby 4 Released


The fourth episode of the no-budget short film Sockbaby has been released. The film is directed by Douglas TenNapel, the man best known for works such as Earthworm Jim and The Neverhood; and John Soares, who is best known for co-founding the independent film group WestHavenBrook.

The film lampoons kung-fu movies, and directly parodies pop-culture icons like Dragon Ball Z. All of the martial arts were done by the actors themselves, and were directed by Soares.

In addition to the numerous martial arts sequences, the film also features a cartoon sequence in part two and a partial CGI sequence in part three.

The film centers on a character named Ronnie Cordova, a funky martial artist and (possibly) 70’s-style detective in a slick leisure suit, played by Soares. The plot mostly involves his quest to get a bite to eat that’s thwarted consistently as he must protect a Sockbaby from an evil group of Greys (“demonic men in suits,” to quote the official site).

If you have never checked out the first three parts, head on over to the Sockbaby website and watch them. Then come back here to watch:

Movies 2



So, I went to see this movie yesterday. I read a lot of internet posts before going to see it and it seems that a lot of people loved it while a lot of people didn’t care for it. So I was prepared for it to go either way. But I am pleased to say that I absolutely loved this movie. It was easily the best one I have seen in months.

In general, it seems that most of the people who didn’t like the movie really shouldn’t have gone to see it in the first place, as it was clearly not the type of movie for them. And just because it’s not their type of movie, it doesn’t mean that others won’t love it.

For example, take the people who complain about the shaky camera footage. The trailer made it pretty clear that that’s how the whole movie was filmed as it was integral to the plot. If you knew that was going to be a problem then why even go watch it and then complain about it afterwards. Personally, the shaky camera didn’t hinder my enjoyment of the film at all. It was steady enough when it needed to be and overall it helped create some of the most intense moments in a film that I have ever seen.

Then there are those that complain that they don’t explain enough (such as what the monster is and where it came from). I feel like these people completely missed the premise of the movie. The whole film is being told from the perspective of a group of people caught in the middle of an attack. They aren’t supposed to know what is going on, and that just adds to the realism and intensity of the movie. You feel like you are actually there with them, trying to figure out what is happening and what to do next.

The only real complaint that I have heard that I will give some credit towards is that the ending is abrupt. I will agree that the ending wasn’t all that spectacular, but it wasn’t bad by any means. It wasn’t even all that surprising considering the whole premise of the movie (a video tape of the attack found afterwards).

Anyway, overall I must say that it’s a pretty awesome movie. Go in with reasonable expectations (knowing what the premise of the movie is and that it was a $30 million film, not a $150 million film like Transformers) and you will be come out of the theater satisfied.