Category: Documentary

Documentary Games Video

Planetside 2 Performance Update 1 Released

The Planetside team has released the first of their performance updates just a few days short of Planetside 2’s 1st birthday. This is the result of months of work by the dev team, and I hope it pays off. The patch notes give an overview of what was changed, but if you have been following their video series (see below) then you should already have a pretty good idea about what is in the update.

The patch is primarily focused on improving performance, but that doesnt mean thats all it has. Other updates include changes to drop pods, balance tweaks, and Amerish has been moved forward 12 hours so it will be daytime there while the other continents are at night.

Operation: Make Faster Game Episode 1

In this first in a series of Documentary style videos, you will get to know the people behind the efforts as well as get a glimpse at the types of technological challenges and creative solutions that the team discussed and implements in Operation: Making Faster Game!

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Documentary Games Movies Video

‘Minecraft: The Story of Mojang’ is now free to watch

Well this was an cool coincidence. I just mentioned the Minecraft Documentary two days ago, and now it is available for free on YouTube. The documentary was Produced by 2 Player Productions and funded by Kickstarter. I first watched it when it was shown for free on Xbox Live, but have since purchased it to support them. It is a pretty great documentary that is on par with Indie Game: The Movie, although maybe not as entertaining as The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. Although Markus Persson is about 100x more likeable then Billy Mitchell.

Documentary Games Video

Dreamcast Rocks


Earlier today I turned on my Dreamcast for the first time in almost a year. I forgot how many good games were on the console. There are a lot of them that would make excellent Xbox Live Arcade games. My friend was playing Ikaruga for a bit, and I must say that game still rocks. I have a lot of games for that system that I never got around to finishing. I should go back and play some of them over again (or at least finish them from where I left off). I know I am right at the end of Resident Evil: Code Veronica.

Whats cool is that there are still new games coming out for the console, years after Sega has dropped support for it. Last Hope, Trigger Heart Excelica and Karous are the most recent. All of them are Japan only releases, but Last Hope is region free so you can import it from Play-Asia if you want.

But these games may be finally coming to an end:

According to sources speaking to Dreamcast-Scene, Sega may cease production of the GD-ROM disc format this February. The GD-ROM is the Dreamcast’s only official format, so this revelation would essentially be Sega pulling the life support from its final console, which has managed to retain developer interest even six years after Sega declared it dead.

However, we know of a handful of Dreamcast games coming out in the next few months, so what’s to become of them? If all else fails, they could release them as unlicensed CD-ROM titles.


Whatever happens, it wont change the fact that the Dreamcast was a pretty awesome console that died way to early.