

So I got a joystick to help me out with my terrible flying in Battlefield 3. It was a bit of a pain to set up properly (tons of buttons to map), but once I did I was glad I got a joystick. I wouldn’t say it gives me any sort of advantage, but controlling jets and helicopters with a joystick is a lot more intuitive then using a mouse and keyboard. Now I just need to practice a lot, which is easier said then done since the only way to practice is to go online and try. So I will see you all on the battlefield. I will be the one getting blown out of the sky repeatedly.

I think I need a bigger desk.

Games Video

Happy Diablo III Day

I was only able to play for a little over an hour today, but so far my are good! It looks like they got the login and character creation issues under control, but they still need to work on the server lag. My ping was constantly in the 200s, and sometimes it would spike to much higher. Still, good stuff. I am looking forward to playing it with some friends.

Games Video

Tribes: Ascend ‘Tartarus’ Update Adds New Maps

The awesome free-to-play shooter Tribes: Ascend is coming out with their third post-release content pack. The Tartarus update has a number of changes, but the highlights are two new maps and the ability to save multiple loadouts per class. It is just too bad the multiple loadouts have to be unlocked as it addresses a usability issue rather then creates a gampeplay advantage. Check out the video below for some of the details and read the patch notes here.

Games Video

Wolfenstein 3D Director’s Commentary with John Carmack

This past Saturday marked the 20th anniversary of id Software’s legendary FPS game, Wolfenstein 3D. To commemorate the anniversary, id Software co-founder John Carmack provides director’s commentary for the game. Additionally, at, you can relive all the glory of id’s seminal shooter with a free-to-play browser version of the game. And for limited time, iOS users can download Wolfenstein 3D Classic Platinum for free on iTunes.