Documentary Games Video

Planetside 2 Performance Update 1 Released

The Planetside team has released the first of their performance updates just a few days short of Planetside 2’s 1st birthday. This is the result of months of work by the dev team, and I hope it pays off. The patch notes give an overview of what was changed, but if you have been following their video series (see below) then you should already have a pretty good idea about what is in the update.

The patch is primarily focused on improving performance, but that doesnt mean thats all it has. Other updates include changes to drop pods, balance tweaks, and Amerish has been moved forward 12 hours so it will be daytime there while the other continents are at night.

Operation: Make Faster Game Episode 1

In this first in a series of Documentary style videos, you will get to know the people behind the efforts as well as get a glimpse at the types of technological challenges and creative solutions that the team discussed and implements in Operation: Making Faster Game!

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Documentary Games Movies Video

‘Minecraft: The Story of Mojang’ is now free to watch

Well this was an cool coincidence. I just mentioned the Minecraft Documentary two days ago, and now it is available for free on YouTube. The documentary was Produced by 2 Player Productions and funded by Kickstarter. I first watched it when it was shown for free on Xbox Live, but have since purchased it to support them. It is a pretty great documentary that is on par with Indie Game: The Movie, although maybe not as entertaining as The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. Although Markus Persson is about 100x more likeable then Billy Mitchell.

Games Video

Craig Ferguson interviews Notch

After watching the Minecraft documentary, I think it is safe to say that there is nobody in the gaming business that is more likeable then Markus “Notch” Persson. The guy is just a super humble and nice person, and it seems like his massive amounts of money didn’t change his character at all. So I very much enjoyed this recent interview that Craig Ferguson did with him. Some people were describing it as awkward, but I thought it was pretty hilarious and that Markus did a great job.

Games Video

Battlefield 4 Uninstalled

I can’t take it anymore. Between the terrible netcode, unstable servers, and client crashes I just cant play anymore of Battlefield 4. What should be an enjoyable game is a frustrating experience of getting screwed over at every turn. The problems are numerous: unloading an entire clip at an enemy and not getting any hits, being shot from behind cover, losing unlocks when servers crash, and losing progress in single player due to client crashes. I am done, have uninstalled, and I wish I could get a refund.

Maybe the game will be fine in a month or two, I really hope so. But I certainly don’t expect any real fixes to the netcode in the short term. I can’t help but feel that this game was rushed out the door in order to beat Call of Duty Ghosts to market. Huh, maybe I should go play that instead.

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Games Minecraft Server

Minecraft Server: Travelportals

TravelPortals has been added to the Minecraft server.

Portals are 3×3, and consist of 6 pieces of obsidian, a door, and a redstone torch for the center. From above, the portal looks like this:

n o n
o R o
n D n

o is a stack of two obsidian blocks, D is a door, and R is a redstone torch. n can be any block or air. It does not matter. After you have constructed the frame, place a redstone torch at the bottom. It should tell you that you have created a portal, and fill up with water.

After this, just give the portal a name, and give it the name of another portal for the destination and you’re set. As long as the destination portal exists, walking into it will take you straight there. For help in-game, type /portal help.

/portal name [name] sets the name of the portal in front of you.
/portal warp [name] sets the name of the portal that the portal in front of you warps to.
/portal info gives basic information about the portal in front of you.