Category: Games


Need Video Ideas

So, after posting my Tribes video (well actually ever since GT added the new User Movies tab), I have wanted to make a new video. The problem is that I have no idea what to film and could use some ideas. I am not limiting myself to any specific type of video. For a while I was thinking of creating a sort of Tribes video tutorial to teach new players the basics of Tribes, but decided it would mostly be a waste of time since there are not many new Tribes players. I was also going to make a gameplay video of Tribes: Vengeance like the one I have for Tribes 1 & 2, but I am having some technical problems with demo playback that I am not sure I will be able to fix. If I can fix it then I will make a Vengeance video. But I still need ideas of other videos I can make. If you have any ideas or want to help out, please let me know. Just remember, games with demo recording are easiest to make things like gameplay videos with since you can go back and record after you are done playing.

Games Video 1

Tribes Video

So, I decided to figure out how to create flash video files and then post them. Looks like it worked out pretty well. I am sure I will make use of this a lot in the future. For now, check out the first test file. It is a short Tribes video to try to get my friends interested in the game. Most of the footage was taken during one afternoon of playing.

Games Tech Video

John Carmack on Quake Wars, Mega Texture, and Xbox 360 vs PS3

I am a big fan of John Carmack (read Masters of Doom). At E3 this year he sat down for an interview on G4. The interviewer was pissing me off though. If the interviewer didn’t control the conversation, Carmack could have talked for hours about mega texture and the inner workings of the PS3 architecture. It just feels like he wants to go more in-depth, but the intelligence of the audience around him and the interviewer are keeping him locked down. I guess programmer speak is not what they were looking for, but I wanted to hear it.

Games Reviews

Black Finished


So, is Black as good as everyone was hoping it would be? Not really. Unfortunately, the game screams “mediocre” in just about every way and does not do anything well enough to distinguish itself from the rest of the typical Xbox shooters. It brings nothing new to the genre, and everything it does we have seen done better in other games.

Let’s start with the weaponry in the game, as Criterion has said they are the star of the show. The assortment of weapons is your typical shooter selection. You have your machine guns, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, and your big rocket launcher. There is not much to distinguish each of the bullet weapons from each other. They all appear to do pretty much the same amount of damage, with only the range or rate of fire being slightly different. The weapon models themselves are unremarkable. Sometimes you have the ability to attach a silencer to the guns, but it does not have much of an effect, and this is hardly a stealth game.

Actually shooting the weapons feels pretty good as they can tear into some things, ripping it apart as everything erupts into dust. However, the environments themselves are not that destructible, and remind me of Red Faction II. Only things designed to be broken can be, and you can even see the lines in the geometry where the item will break when you shoot it, which takes out a lot of the fun. There are many situations when you can blow a hole in a thick concrete wall, but a chain fence will withstand a blast from a rocket launcher. As for shooting the enemies, they don’t react much to being shot, and there are only a few death animations that you will see over and over again.

The graphics are pretty good for a last generation game. The particle effects like dust and smoke look pretty good, and the environments look pretty decent. The explosions are great as well. Shooting into things like walls, boxes and cars looks pretty cool, though no where near as good as F.E.A.R. looks when you are blowing objects to pieces.

There are eight levels in the campaign, and they are over pretty quickly. Other reviews have said the game lasts about 6-8 hours, but the game timer clocked in at less than 4 hours when I was done. At first the game starts off with a pretty energetic and explosive level, but shortly after you realize that you have seen pretty much everything there is to see after the first level. The level design is pretty boring overall, only the first few missions are interesting. The gameplay itself pretty much breaks down to looking for barrels and other conveniently placed explosives to shoot to take out enemies. The AI is pretty suspect, and you face the same few types of enemies for the entire game. The only difference is that some of them have extra armor or a face mask, which just means that you have to shoot them in the head a few times before they go down. There is not much strategy to this game at all, so put your brain on hold and fire away. Your indestructible teammates don’t do much to mix up the gameplay during the few levels that they appear, and are pretty much useless.

There are some secondary objectives in the game, the most of which are pretty lame. You will be walking around a level and find a locked safe randomly on the ground in an empty room that you are supposed to shoot, or you might be walking around and see a random laptop with a red screen that you need to destroy. The secondary objectives feel contrived and completely unrealistic.

The plot is your typical black ops story line and the characters in the game are two dimensional. The story is told by live action flash backs. It feels as if the only purpose of the plot is to try to give you some minimal justification as to why you are where you are and to try to explain what you are doing. It just comes off as a bad excuse to give you a reason to shoot some dudes. Also, the game ends pretty quickly without much closure and the plot is paper thin.

The lack of any multiplayer component also hurts the games value a lot. Since the game is extremely short, at least some multiplayer mode could have allowed you to get some further mileage with this game. Though given the gameplay, I don’t think they could have made a compelling multiplayer game unless they drastically changed some of the core shooting mechanics for online play.

Overall, the game is competent and can be fun for a short amount of time, but due to how short and unremarkable it is I would suggest renting this game over buying it. If you were not interested in it before, there is no reason to check it out at all.


Xbox 360 Press Conference

So, I watched the press conference earlier today. I was not expecting too much from Microsoft this time around since they are not launching a new platform, just building on one. It was a nice surprise that I was pretty wrong. Microsoft made some pretty large announcements that are exciting.

Gears of war looks stunning. It looks like it has improved a ton since last E3. CliffyB played a level there in front of everyone. The gameplay itself looks completely solid and a ton of fun. I cannot wait to get my hands on this one.

There were a lot of other great looking games there as well: Lost Planet, Too Human, Viva Pinata, Prey, 99 Nights, Splinter Cell, Blue Dragon, Forza Motorsport 2, Fable 2, ect. The list goes on for quite a while. The Grand Theft Auto IV announcement was awesome and a slap in the face to Playstation 3 zealots.

The HD-DVD add-on drive looked pretty slick. They did not go into much detail though. If HD-DVD takes of, I will be getting one of those for sure. The camera looked cool as well, but it is not something I expect to pick up.

Some of the PC games looked great as well. Crysis is absolutely beautiful. Let’s hope the gameplay is up there with the visuals. I am a bit worried after playing Far Cry, which looked amazing when it came out but has some gameplay issues.

The live anywhere stuff was real exciting. Xbox Live functionality across 360, PC, and Windows mobile phones. They showed off so many cool things: Getting points for playing games on your PC and your phone, getting game invites on the PC from a friend playing on 360, playing Xbox 360 players in the same game with PC players, buying one copy of a simple arcade game like Zuma and being able to play it on all three platforms, and tweaking out my Forza car on my phone and PC and then racing it on the 360.  Awesome, I can’t wait for that stuff.

Overall, Microsoft did a pretty impressive job this year.