Games 2

Kameo Finished

I absolutely loved this game. Everything about it I liked. The gameplay is great. Switching between the different forms felt natural and flowed in battle. The environments were amazing to look at and explore. The character designs were great. The music was wonderful. Sure we have all seen this type of gameplay before, but I have never played a game that has done it this well.


Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow Finished

I really like these types of games. These slow tactical shooters where you can die in a second if you aren’t careful are extremely tense and exciting from start to finish. While the original game was much better then this one (well this is an “expansion” after all), I still had a ton of fun with it. Now the graphics seem dated, which is pretty funny as I remember when the first one came out and how amazing everyone thought it looked. Too bad the new one sucks. Lets hope they make a faithful sequel for the xbox 360, and maybe fix up the controls a bit so I can have more fun with it on line.


Dead to Rights Finished

And its about time! I have had this game since it was released years ago and actually pretty much forgot that I had it. I found it and put it in to see how far along I was and I was on the last level and wow it was extremely hard. I don’t remember anything about the plot because it was years ago since I last played it. I do remember that I really enjoyed the game even though it is pretty difficult. There are a ton of cool mini games to keep it fresh as you go along and the action is pretty good. It feels pretty good to finish this one after having it for so long. I might play it again sometime, maybe in another few years.


Shadow Ops: Red Mercury Finished

Hmm, what to say about this game. Its pretty “meh”. It doesn’t do anything well, and does a number of things pretty badly. I would not suggest this game to anyone looking for a FPS. The AI was horrible, weapons were bland and boring to fire. They all sounded underpowered (and pretty much are underpowered). The level design is pretty bad, everything is scripted and feels like a shooting gallery. The teammate AI is horrible and doesn’t help at all. In fact, they get in the way most of the time. The graphics are horrible too. Overall the game feels pretty old fashioned and more like it was made by a mod team then an actual developer. The only cool thing about it is the cut scenes that are actually pretty neat. I am surprised I bothered finishing this one.