Category: Games

Games Video

Titanfall Beta


I have been playing the Titanfall “Beta” (demo) for a few hours now and I like what I see so far. The game has that fast and fluid pace that Call of Duty has, but the gameplay is a lot more dynamic. The maps have a great vertical element to them, and with the jets and wall running you have a lot of freedom to move around and get behind your enemies. It reminds me a bit of how Brink controlled, only better. The Titans are not the overpowered beasts that I was worried they might be, and are actually pretty fun to use. They Titans are fairly maneuverable, allowing you to be smart about when to engage enemies and when to fall back.

The only thing that I find sort of weird is all of the AI controlled enemies in the maps. The only thing I can think to compare them to are lane creeps in DOTA/LoL/HoN. They don’t pose any challenge at all, and seem to exist only to pass the time until people start calling in Titans. Killing them lowers the time until you can call in your Titan (or gives you points in Attrition mode), which seems like the only reason to even engage them. I feel the game would have been better served by allowing more people to play at once, then trying to fill out 6v6 games with these AI opponents.

I am also not a huge fan of the burn cards, which are single use card you can equip that give you various advantages until you die. Examples include infinite magnetic grenades or “Amped” weapons that do more damage. You unlock these by completing challenges and only “burn” them once you die. It adds a somewhat random element to the game and I honestly don’t see the advantage to these existing at all.

Still, initial impressions are good. Titanfall seems to be a pretty fun casual shooter with a reasonably high skill ceiling. It’s not something I would expect to see played competitively, but that’s totally fine. I will probably be picking the game up in March.

Enjoy these gameplay videos below of some of my first matches where I have no idea what I am doing:

Titanfall Beta Gameplay 1

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Games Planetside 2 Videos Video

Planetside 2 Clips


I have been recording some clips of Planetside 2 with Nvidia’s Shadow Play functionality. I might do a real montage at some point, but this is not it. A lot of these clips are too long for an actual montage. Still, there are some cool moments. Most of these clips are from the double XP weekend that just ended this past Monday.

Games Tech 1

Snowdrop Engine Video

The next-gen consoles might be out already, but real next-gen games have not released yet. One of the few games that looks to be pushing ahead into next-gen territory is The Division, and it is the Snowdrop engine that is going to take it there. The game and engine is being developed by Ubisoft Massive, which has a history of creating impressive engines for real time strategy games such as Ground Control II and World in Conflict.

Games 1

Gaming in the Mid 90s

The mid 90s is when I really got into playing video games. It was a great time to get into it, with tons of games and a lot of different platforms. I found these scans of a 1996 Toys ‘R’ Us advertisement, and it brings back some pretty serious nostalgia. I don’t remember SNES and N64 games being that expensive, but then again I was not really the one buying them at the time. I really cannot wait until the Retron 5 comes out next month. I am going to break out some of my old games and play them again.